[erlang-questions] Badarg error

Bob Ippolito bob@REDACTED
Tue May 8 09:51:17 CEST 2012

In the second to last line you are declaring Frame as an integer and in the
last line you are using it as a binary. I don't see anything obviously
wrong other than that, but harder to read if on a phone :)

On Tuesday, May 8, 2012, Farruco Sanjurjo wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm getting a badarg error in this code
> from_binary(Data = <<Head:8, 0:1, PayloadLen:7, Trailing/bits>>, Acc) ->
>   PayloadBytes=  case PayloadLen of
>     126 ->
>       <<ExtPayloadLen:16, _/binary>> = Trailing,
>       2 + ExtPayloadLen;
>     127 ->
>       <<ExtPayloadLen:64, _/binary>> = Trailing,
>       8 + ExtPayloadLen;
>     _ ->
>       %<<Payload:ExtPayloadLen/binary, Rest/binary>>
>       PayloadLen
>   end,
>   FrameSize = 16 + (PayloadBytes * 8),
>   <<Frame:FrameSize, Rest/binary>> = Data,
>   from_binary(Rest, [decode_frame(<<Frame/binary>>) | Acc]);
> The error points to the line " FrameSize = 16 + (PayloadBytes * 8)".
> I've been struggling for a while but I can't figure out what's wrong. Any
> suggestion?
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