[erlang-questions] Speed of CSV parsing: how to read 1M of lines in 1 second

Tim Watson watson.timothy@REDACTED
Fri Mar 23 23:11:39 CET 2012

So if you are willing to loose some space efficiency (which you would with mmap anyway) then reading the entire binary into memory is a lot faster:

t4@REDACTED:csv_reader $ ./benchmark2.erl example.csv 
./benchmark2.erl:13: Warning: variable 'Bin' is unused
read_file time: 298
t4@REDACTED:csv_reader $ 

So now the only question is can you split it in acceptable time!? I've started playing with this and can chunk up the file into lines in around 729, but now it's a question of splitting up the lines into fields. What I'm doing up until now is still sequential of course.
As this problem actually appears to be cpu bound rather than io bound, we could start looking at how to break up the problem most effectively to utilise many cores. It's not going to be anywhere near fast enough for your needs I suspect, but I'd like to know if it's possible to squeeze a 300k record file through in a couple of seconds with a bit of careful work.

Although I haven't finished with results collection and transforming the split binaries into records, I'm hoping this is achievable:

t4@REDACTED:csv_reader $ ./csv_reader.erl example.csv 
./csv_reader.erl:10: Warning: record evt is unused
./csv_reader.erl:25: Warning: type transform_fun() is unused
./csv_reader.erl:104: Warning: variable 'Size' is unused
read_chunk time: 2765
t4@REDACTED:csv_reader $ 

Which (slightly faster before) is based on (incomplete):

#!/usr/bin/env escript
%%! -pa ebin


-record(evt, {

-record(csv_field, {
    name                :: atom() | string(),
    type = 'binary'     :: atom(),  %% TODO: use erl_types:type()
    converter           :: fun((binary()) -> term())

-type transform_fun() :: fun((term()) -> term()).

-record(csv_parser, {
    io_device       :: file:io_device(),
    collector       :: pid(),
    input_file      :: file:name(),
    header          :: boolean(),
    strict = true   :: boolean(),
    size            :: non_neg_integer(),
    fields          :: [#csv_field{} | constant()],
    buffer_size = 16 * 1024
                    :: non_neg_integer(),
    transform = fun(E) -> E end
                    :: transform_fun(),
    delimiter =
                    :: binary:cp(),
    supported_newlines =
        binary:compile_pattern([<<"\n">>, <<"\r\n">>])
                    :: binary:cp()

main([Path]) ->
    %% TODO: don't be so naive
        T1 = erlang:now(),
        T2 = erlang:now(),
        io:format("read_chunk time: ~p~n", [timer:now_diff(T2, T1) div 1000])
        Ex:R ->
            io:format("~p~n", [erlang:get_stacktrace()]),
            throw({Ex, R})
%    after
%        file:close(Fd)

make_parser(F) ->
    %% TODO: write a function that takes a 'typed record' and
    %% generates the csv_field mappings for us using erl_types or whatever...
    Fields = [
        #csv_field{ name="KEY" },
        #csv_field{ name="Date" },   %% NB: we will worry about converting dates later on...
        #csv_field{ name="Time" },   %% NB: we will worry about converting time(s) later on...
        #csv_field{ name="l_1", type=float }, #csv_field{ name="l_2", type=float },
        #csv_field{ name="l_3", type=float }, #csv_field{ name="l_4", type=float },
        #csv_field{ name="l_5", type=float }, #csv_field{ name="l_6", type=float },
        #csv_field{ name="l_7", type=float }, #csv_field{ name="l_8", type=float },
        #csv_field{ name="l_9", type=float }, #csv_field{ name="l_10", type=float },
        #csv_field{ name="l_11", type=float }, #csv_field{ name="l_12", type=float },
        #csv_field{ name="l_13", type=float }, #csv_field{ name="l_14", type=float },
        #csv_field{ name="l_15", type=float }, #csv_field{ name="l_16", type=float },
        #csv_field{ name="l_17", type=float }, #csv_field{ name="l_18", type=float },
        #csv_field{ name="l_19", type=float }, #csv_field{ name="l_20", type=float },
        #csv_field{ name="l_21", type=float }, #csv_field{ name="l_22", type=float },
        #csv_field{ name="l_23", type=float }, #csv_field{ name="l_24", type=float },
        #csv_field{ name="l_25", type=float }, #csv_field{ name="l_26", type=float },
        #csv_field{ name="l_27", type=float }, #csv_field{ name="l_28", type=float },
        #csv_field{ name="l_29", type=float }, #csv_field{ name="l_30", type=float },
        #csv_field{ name="l_31", type=float }, #csv_field{ name="l_32", type=float },
        #csv_field{ name="l_33", type=float }, #csv_field{ name="l_34", type=float },
        #csv_field{ name="l_35", type=float }, #csv_field{ name="l_36", type=float },
        #csv_field{ name="l_37", type=float }, #csv_field{ name="l_38", type=float },
        #csv_field{ name="l_39", type=float }, #csv_field{ name="l_40", type=float },
        #csv_field{ name="Last" }
        transform=fun(L) -> list_to_tuple(['evt'] ++ L) end,

%parse(P=#csv_parser{ iodevice=Fd, buffer_size=Size }) ->
%    parse(P, file:read(Fd, Size), 0, undefined, []).

%% the butcher process chops up the binary into chunks
chunker(P=#csv_parser{ input_file=F, buffer_size=Size }) ->
    {ok, Fd} = file:open(F, [raw, binary, {read_ahead, 1024 * 1024}]),
    CPid = spawn(fun loop/0),
    read(P#csv_parser{ io_device=Fd, collector=CPid }, start, 0, <<>>, []).

loop() ->
    receive {ok, _Pid, _X} ->
        % io:format("Got ~p parts!~n", [length(X)])

read(P=#csv_parser{ io_device=Fd, buffer_size=Size }, start, Idx, Rem, Pids) ->
    read(P, file:read(Fd, Size), Idx, Rem, Pids);
read(P=#csv_parser{ io_device=Fd, buffer_size=Size,
                    delimiter=Delim, collector=Parent,
                    supported_newlines=NL },
                    {ok, Chunks},
                    Idx, Rem, Pids) ->
    % io:format("read ~p characters~n", [size(Chunk)]),
    Lines = binary:split(Chunks, NL, [global]),
    {Data, [Remaining]} = lists:split(length(Lines) - 1, Lines),
    Pid = spawn(fun() ->
                    [H|T] = Data,
                    Sz = size(H),
                    %% TODO: fix this code so it properly deals with 
                    %% left over data between processed segments
                    %% i.e., where is \n in relation to Rem ....
                    WorkingSet = case size(Rem) of
                        X when X < Sz ->
                            [<<Rem/binary, H/binary>>|T];
                        _ ->
                    [ return(Parent, binary:split(L, Delim, [global])) ||
                                    L <- WorkingSet, is_binary(L) ]
    read(P, file:read(Fd, Size), Idx + 1, Remaining, [{Pid, Idx}|Pids]);
read(_P, eof, _, _Rem, _Pids) ->
    %% TODO: in strict mode, fail unless size(Rem) == 0

return(Collector, Matches) ->
    Collector ! {ok, self(), Matches}.

collect_results(Results, []) ->
collect_results(Results, Pids) ->
        {ok, Pid, Data} ->
            {value, {Pid, Idx}, RemainingPids} = lists:keytake(Pid, 1, Pids),
            collect_results(array:set(Idx, Data, Results), RemainingPids);
        Other ->

process(P=#csv_parser{ strict=Strict, fields=Fields }, Data) ->
    case lists:foldl(fun process_field/2, {Fields, [], Strict}, Data) of
        {[], Acc, _} ->
        {MissingFields, Result, _} when is_list(MissingFields) ->
            case Strict of
                true ->
                    throw({parse_error, {unexpected_eol, MissingFields}});
                false ->

process_field(_E, {[], Acc, false}) ->
process_field(E, {[], _Acc, true}) ->
    throw({parse_error, {expected_eol, E}});
process_field(E, {[#csv_field{ type=float }|Rest], Acc, Strict}) ->
    {Rest, [list_to_float(binary_to_list(E))|Acc], Strict};
process_field(E, {[#csv_field{ type=binary }|Rest], Acc, Strict}) ->
    {Rest, [E|Acc], Strict};
process_field(E, {[#csv_field{ type=list }|Rest], Acc, Strict}) ->
    {Rest, [binary_to_list(E)|Acc], Strict}.

On 23 Mar 2012, at 19:45, Max Lapshin wrote:

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