[erlang-questions] Erlang is the best choice for building commercial application servers

Tim Watson watson.timothy@REDACTED
Mon Mar 12 19:38:16 CET 2012

On 12 Mar 2012, at 18:30, Edmond Begumisa wrote:
>> If you prefer vendor independence, you can be pretty confident that C is going to be supported by someone, so is Apache.
> Yes, I've come to the realisation that open and open-source development tools/infrastructure are the only ones that can guarantee you continuity, even if your business has to provide that continuity itself. Counter-intuitively, big commercial vendor names are actually riskier.

In practise you're absolutely right about this Edmond. But in practise, not many decision makers seem realise it.

>> My sense is that the Erlang/OTP ecosystem has become pretty strong in recent years - enough so that, if Ericsson bailed out, Erlang would continue.  A few years back, that might not have been quite as good a gamble.  (Comments?)
> I agree. I'm not big on "industry standards" (i.e. popularity) these days. But many businesses are, and not entirely for the reasons they think they are. Getting those on board with Erlang I think is largely a matter of playing the game the way other vendors play it -- lots of marketing, lots of PR, lots of spin all requiring lots of money. But Ericsson's in an entirely different game.

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