[erlang-questions] has anyone cross compiled HiPE?

Sverker Eriksson sverker@REDACTED
Fri Mar 2 20:09:12 CET 2012

In R15 there is a build flag to hipe called XCOMP. It is a _very_ 
limited feature for cross compiling. All that it does is to make sure 
that all values in hipe_literals.hrl are generated as hard coded and 
totally independent of the emulator the compiler is running on.

I have only used this to "cross compile" between different types of 
emulator running on the same architecture.

cd lib/hipe
make XCOMP=yes FLAVOR=smp TYPE=debug

This will build a hipe compiler to produce code that can be run a debug 
compiled emulator without having to run hipe on that same (slow) debug 

/Sverker, Erlang/OTP

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