[erlang-questions] Missing SASL Crash Report

Richard Carlsson carlsson.richard@REDACTED
Wed Jun 20 21:27:11 CEST 2012

Either simply that the timing is different (when you run all of it from 
the command line, your code may begin to execute before sasl is fully 
operational), or possibly because things executed with -s on the command 
line are running before the system boot sequence is completed, and it 
could be that sasl is not operational until booting is finished.


On 06/19/2012 10:05 PM, H. Diedrich wrote:
> Hi,
> why would I NOT get a CRASH REPORT listed out (although there is a
> crash) in cases where I start a program directly, like
> $ erl -boot start_sasl -pa ./ebin ./lib/Emysql/ebin -s run run -s init
> stop -noshell
> -module(run).
> -export([run/0]).
> run() ->
> crypto:start(),
> emysql:start(),
> mysrv:start(),
> pong = mysrv:ping(),
> pong = mysrv:ping(gen_server),
> io:format("start up and pings complete.~n"),
> ok.
> But if I do that in the shell, I get a CRASH REPORT (which is what I
> want to find a bug)?
> $ erl -boot start_sasl -pa ./ebin ./lib/Emysql/ebin
>  > crypto:start(), emysql:start(), nbtsrv:start().
> Thanks,
> Henning
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