[erlang-questions] Recursive Heap Allocation
Greg Martin
Mon Jul 23 23:50:31 CEST 2012
I think you're misunderstanding. It's like a 256 based number scheme. 0.255
is followed by 1.0 not 1.255.
-----Original Message-----
From: Ronny Meeus [mailto:ronny.meeus@REDACTED]
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2012 2:00 PM
To: Bob Ippolito
Cc: Greg Martin; erlang-questions@REDACTED
Subject: Re: [erlang-questions] Recursive Heap Allocation
I think there is an issue in the logic of your code:
next( { First, Second, Third, 255 } ) -> { First, Second, Third + 1, 0 };
next( { First, Second, Third, Fourth } ) -> { First, Second, Third, Fourth +
1 }.
If nothing matches, the last clause will do and the last number will be
incremented until 255 is reached.
If I understand you well, I would think that the looping continues with the
last but 1 clause but here is the problem: you pass 0 instead of 255 so
there is no match and you end up in the last clause again.
Result is an endless loop.
I think the code should be corrected like this:
next( { First, Second, Third, 255 } ) -> { First, Second, Third + 1, 255 };
next( { First, Second, Third, Fourth } ) -> { First, Second, Third, Fourth +
1 }.
Best regards,
On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 10:04 PM, Bob Ippolito <bob@REDACTED> wrote:
> You're probably generating output too fast, there's no flow control in
> io:format/2. You can generate things to print much faster than they
> get printed, which results in the io server accumulating so many
> messages in its mailbox that you eventually run out of memory and/or
> the machine grinds to a halt due to swapping.
> On Mon, Jul 23, 2012 at 12:50 PM, Greg Martin <greg@REDACTED>
>> I'm just learning erlang using Erlang R15B01 (erts-5.9.1) on Windows.
>> I'm wondering why ipv4_addrs:test(ipv4_addrs:first()) leads to the
>> crash below and how it can be called so that it doesn't. Thanks.
>> {1,2,22,127}
>> {1,2,22,128}
>> {1,2,22,129}
>> {1,2,22,130}
>> {1,2,22,131}
>> {1,2,22,132}
>> {1,2,22,133}
>> {1,2,22,134}
>> Crash dump was written to: erl_crash.dump
>> eheap_alloc: Cannot allocate 373662860 bytes of memory (of type "heap").
>> Abnormal termination
>> -module(ipv4_addrs).
>> -export([first/0, next/1, test/1]).
>> first()->
>> { 1,1,0,0 }.
>> next( { 255, 255, 255, 255 } ) -> done; next( { 9, 255, 255, 255 } )
>> -> { 11, 0, 0, 0 }; next( { 172, 15, 255, 255 } ) -> { 172, 32, 0, 0
>> }; next( { 192, 167, 255, 255 } ) -> { 192, 169, 0, 0 }; next( {
>> First, 255, 255, 255 } ) -> { First + 1, 0, 0, 0 }; next( { First,
>> Second, 255, 255 } ) -> { First, Second + 1, 0, 0 }; next( { First,
>> Second, Third, 255 } ) -> { First, Second, Third + 1, 0 }; next( {
>> First, Second, Third, Fourth } ) -> { First, Second, Third, Fourth
>> +
>> 1 }.
>> test(done) -> done;
>> test(Addr) ->
>> io:format("~p~n", [Addr]),
>> Next = next(Addr),
>> test(Next).
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