[erlang-questions] UDP sockets and gen_server are hypocritical and it makes me mad

Fred Hebert mononcqc@REDACTED
Wed Jul 18 14:47:50 CEST 2012

Alright, I've got a quick update.

Luckily, the node got stuck again while I was connected on it. I tried 
inspecting the process (node name omitted):

9> io:format("~p~n",[sys:get_status(vmstats_server)]).
** exception exit: {timeout,{sys,get_status,[vmstats_server]}}
      in function  sys:send_system_msg/2 (sys.erl, line 231)
10> whereis(vmstats_server).
11> io:format("~p~n",[process_info(pid(0,919,0))]).

The interesting parts:

This tells me the process is stuck waiting for statistics to come back, 
and they don't. Somehow, connecting to the node solves it, but being 
connected already leaves it stuck. I have no idea how to fix it now that 
I'm trapped in the VM.

Your move, OTP team at Ericsson.

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