[erlang-questions] Dialyzer cannot catch gen_server callback return type error

Stavros Aronis aronisstav@REDACTED
Thu Jul 5 16:36:52 CEST 2012

Hi again,

your example shows another case of the "might also be correct" rationale of
Dialyzer. Your full code is:

-spec handle_cast(term(), #state{}) -> {noreply, NewState :: #state{}}.

handle_cast({asd}, _State) ->
    NewState = {bugotak},
    {noreply, NewState};
handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
    {noreply, State}.

It is true that the return value of the first clause violates the spec, but
this information is lost within Dialyzer as the "general" type signature
that Dialyzer will find and use is my_module:handle_cast(term(),term()) ->
{'noreply',term()} due to the second clause. This more general type
signature "absorbs" and hides the incorrect result. The function "can work"
if you only call with a message different than {asd} and provide a correct
#state{} as input, so Dialyzer remains silent. If, on the other hand, you
had just the first clause, or both clauses returned a value that couldn't
be #state{}, you would get a warning.

Remember that Dialyzer does not promise to find all the bugs in your code.
It might be interesting and possible to check the return value of each
separate clause of a function, if there exists a spec, however... Thanks
for the example and idea!


On Thu, Jul 5, 2012 at 4:31 PM, Maxim Treskin <zerthurd@REDACTED> wrote:

> Hello!
> File attached.
> Just compile it with
> erlc +debug_info my_module.erl
> then
> dialyzer . --plt ~/.r15b01_dialyzer.plt --no_native -Werror_handling
> -Wrace_conditions -Wunderspecs
> and I see:
>   Checking whether the PLT /home/zert/.r15b01_dialyzer.plt is
> up-to-date... yes
>   Proceeding with analysis... done in 0m0.39s
> done (passed successfully)
> On 5 July 2012 20:22, Stavros Aronis <aronisstav@REDACTED> wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Your description is not very clear, so it might be better to send me some
>> code snippet off-list, but let me put some facts here to make sure that the
>> expectations from Dialyzer are 'reasonable'!
>> - Dialyzer first uses the -callback attibutes of the behaviour and will
>> always warn if the arguments or return value of a callback function are not
>> subtypes of those attributes. If e.g. the return value of a callback is
>> expected to be {noreply, term()} and the callback always returns {reply,
>> term(), term()}, Dialyzer will warn about this.
>> - As long as your implementation can possibly return an acceptable value,
>> Dialyzer is happy. You might have a callback that either returns a correct
>> value or something else that cannot be handled by the behaviour, but
>> Dialyzer will assume that the correct term will always be returned. This
>> happens because Dialyzer should never emit a false warning and this
>> additional bad value might have been inferred because Dialyzer's analysis
>> was not strong enough to exclude it.
>> - Spec attributes are also taken into account when anayzing callbacks in
>> the following manner:
>> -- First the specs themselves are checked for compatibility with the
>> -callback attributes of the behaviour. Here it is the user (and not
>> Dialyzer) that writes these specs, so if these specs allow more values you
>> get a warning. The rationale is that if you are providing a spec it should
>> be at least as restrictive as the callback attribute.
>> -- Second, the spec is used to check the arguments and return value of
>> the function, as is the case with any spec.
>> For gen_server, the -callback attributes can be seen here<https://github.com/erlang/otp/blob/maint/lib/stdlib/src/gen_server.erl#L123>.
>> There, the State and NewState can be any terms. If you also have a spec
>> saying that this callback function should return {noreply, State ::
>> #state{}} and you return {noreply, {bugotak}} then you are violating your
>> own spec (but not the callback attribute of gen_server) and you should get
>> a warning. Is this not the case when you run Dialyzer?
>> Stavros
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> --
> Max Treskin
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