[erlang-questions] Report: sheriff + dialyzer = hard time for "parse_transform"

Zabrane Mickael zabrane3@REDACTED
Thu Aug 16 00:31:32 CEST 2012

Hi Loïc,

I'm evaluating Sheriff for our team.
Under R15B01 (OSX/Linux):

$ git clone https://github.com/extend/sheriff.git
$ cd sheriff
$ make
==> edown (compile)
==> parse_trans (compile)
==> sheriff (compile)

$ make build-plt (takes few minutes)
$ make dialyze
Checking whether the PLT .sheriff_dialyzer.plt is up-to-date... yes
  Proceeding with analysis...
dialyzer: Analysis failed with error:
Could not scan the following file(s): [{"/home/zab/sheriff/src/sheriff.erl",
                                        ["/home/zab/sheriff/src/sheriff.erl:none: error in parse transform 'parse_trans_codegen': {undef,\n                                                 [{parse_trans_codegen,\n                                                   parse_transform,\n                                                   [[{attribute,1,file,\n                                                      {\"/home/zab/sheriff/src/sheriff.erl\",\n                                                       1}},\n                                                     {attribute,21,module,\n                                                      sheriff},\n                                                     {attribute,24,export,\n                                                      [{check,2},\n                                                       {parse_transform,2},\n                                                       {build_type,3}]},\n                                                     {attribute,39,spec,\n                                                      {{check,2},\n                                                       [{type,39,'fun',\n                                                         [{type,39,product,\n                                                           [{type,39,any,[]},\n      

Any fix?


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