[erlang-questions] Can't load crypto module after installing R15 in Solaris 10 x86

Erisa Dervishi erisa85d@REDACTED
Mon Apr 30 19:17:50 CEST 2012

Hi all,

I have installed Erlang OTP R15, in Solaris 10 x86.
When I try to load the crypto module I get the following error:

Erlang R15B (erts-5.9) [source] [smp:16:16] [async-threads:0]

Eshell V5.9  (abort with ^G)
1> l(crypto).

=ERROR REPORT==== 30-Apr-2012::16:29:45 ===
Unable to load crypto library. Failed with error:
"load_failed, Failed to load NIF library: 'ld.so.1: beam.smp: fatal:
relocation error: file
/usr/local/otp_R15B/lib/erlang/lib/crypto-2.1/priv/lib/crypto.so: symbol
DES_ede3_cfb_encrypt: referenced symbol not found'"
OpenSSL might not be installed on this system.

=ERROR REPORT==== 30-Apr-2012::16:29:45 ===
The on_load function for module crypto returned {error,
                                                  "Failed to load NIF
library: 'ld.so.1: beam.smp: fatal: relocation error: file
/usr/local/otp_R15B/lib/erlang/lib/crypto-2.1/priv/lib/crypto.so: symbol
DES_ede3_cfb_encrypt: referenced symbol not found'"}}

OpenSSL is installed. As suggested in the Erlang documentation, I installed
it from http://www.openssl.org/source/ (version: openssl-0.9.8w.tar.gz)
I tried several suggestions after googling but nothing helped.
Any help to get this straight would be appreciated :)

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