[erlang-questions] How to see debug messages of

Allen Kim bighostkim@REDACTED
Sat Sep 24 19:02:07 CEST 2011


I m having some issues of having 1% of  httpc:request/4 ends up with
{error, socket_closed_remotely}, 99 % are good with 200.

I want to debug what's happening inside and I saw there are debug message
already in code.

What should I do to see those ?hcrd/2 messages?


                   #request{settings    = Settings,
                    headers     = Headers,
                    address     = OrigAddress,
                    scheme      = Scheme} = Request,
                   #state{options = Options} = State) ->

*    ?hcrd("connect",*
*      [{address, Address}, {request, Request}, {options, Options}]),*

Allen Kim
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