[erlang-questions] Erlang and beam-based scripting languages.
Gordon Guthrie
Tue Sep 13 17:28:23 CEST 2011
We have some proof of concept Erlang/Ruby integration in our source base.
Essentially is uses the erlectricity gem to provide a message passing
interface between Erlang and Ruby.
The erlang shim starts a driver which it sends messages to. These messages
are unpacked and the 'applyied' to ruby functions which return values.
The returns are packed into a message and returned.
There is some details on it here:
We used it for a bit and then stopped. Dunno if it is still supported.
YMMV, price of shares can go down as well as up, terms and conditions apply,
etc, etc
On 13 September 2011 12:19, Max Lapshin <max.lapshin@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi.
> I've written a letter several times to Santa Claus to have some easy
> Rails <-> erlang integration for my needs, but he seems to be too
> busy.
> So, my problem is: it is not convenient for me to write all customer
> logic in erlang, because it involves process of compiling and loading
> modules.
> Also, I would be very great to share the same file between web site
> and erlang daemon.
> It seems, that most developed beam-based language is elixir
> (https://github.com/josevalim/elixir ), but there are some erlang
> problems, that looks like blocking for
> have convenient scripting in erlang.
> I have erlyvideo server and it has config. There is option in config:
> {detectors, [rewrite, akamai, livestream]}.
> When user requests stream, media_provider takes this list of
> detectors, goes one by one and calls:
> case Module:check(Host, Name, Options) of
> ..
> for each atom. Now we meet the problem. When I write Module:check,
> code_server is loading module and it can load only .beam and .app
> files.
> If I have any way to hook inside with some code that will say: Hi, I
> know how to load this module, i think it will be easier to add simple
> non-compilable scripting to my app and have something like Java world
> have: Ruby/Python classed mixed with "native" Java classes.
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Gordon Guthrie
CEO hypernumbers
t: hypernumbers
+44 7776 251669
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