[erlang-questions] Increase the handle limit

Martin Dimitrov mrtndimitrov@REDACTED
Mon Oct 24 19:55:22 CEST 2011

Yes. I tried and it increases the limit to the next power of 2. If I set
it to 5000, I would be able to make 8188 allocations, still 4 less than
the power of 2 number. os:getenv("ERL_MAX_PORTS") reports 5000. So,
thanks for the help :)

Can you bring some light to the meaning of ERL_MAX_PORTS? It is
mentioned in the doc under open_port. Does open_port participate in the
opening of files? And also, what is the purpose of ulimit? What does it



On 10/24/2011 4:58 PM, Rickard Green wrote:
>>> Set ERL_MAX_PORTS (see erlang manpage) to increase the number of ports.
> Without actually testing it, I am pretty sure that it is enough to
> raise the max ports limit (see above) on windows. Have you done that?
> It needs to be set before starting the runtime system. Verify that it
> is set by calling os:getenv("ERL_MAX_PORTS").
> 1200 also seems strange, since max ports defaults to 1024.
> Regards,
> Rickard

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