[erlang-questions] Type specs depending on build-time selected code
Fri Nov 18 15:56:07 CET 2011
I suppose there are situations where the actual code for a function is
based on preprocessor defines while we want the type specs to encompass
all possible implementations.
A simple example could be a debug mode which is to be enabled/disabled at
build time:
-export( [is_debug_mode_enabled/0]).
-spec is_debug_mode_enabled() -> boolean().
is_debug_mode_enabled() ->
is_debug_mode_enabled() ->
(another example could be the use of a random source based on crypto - if
available, otherwise on the built-in source)
Dialyzer is right when telling that "is_debug_mode_enabled/0 states that
the function might also return 'false' but the inferred return is 'true'"
(when the symbol debug_mode_is_enabled is defined) , but I would like to
be able to suppress this warning as the same code built with a different
preprocessor flag should offer the same API/type spec to the user code.
Of course I could define instead:
-spec is_debug_mode_enabled() -> true.
is_debug_mode_enabled() ->
-spec is_debug_mode_enabled() -> false.
is_debug_mode_enabled() ->
but then, I think it would not really solve the problem as I suppose that
Dialyzer would similarly complain then in the user code relying on these
functions, like in:
-spec f() -> boolean()
f() ->
(the problem would then be transferred from foo to bar and all other
places making use of foo)
Am I missing something? Is there a way to tell Dialyzer to ignore *for
this particular function* the "underspecification"?
If not, maybe making Dialyzer support Valgrind-like suppression files
could help?
Thanks in advance for any hint,
Best regards,
Olivier Boudeville
EDF R&D : 1, avenue du Général de Gaulle, 92140 Clamart, France
Département SINETICS, groupe ASICS (I2A), bureau B-226
Office : +33 1 47 65 59 58 / Mobile : +33 6 16 83 37 22 / Fax : +33 1 47
65 27 13
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