[erlang-questions] When to return {ok, Value} or just the Value
Joe Armstrong
Wed Nov 16 10:04:12 CET 2011
On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 1:38 AM, Richard Carlsson <
carlsson.richard@REDACTED> wrote:
> On 2011-11-15 22:56, David Mercer wrote:
>> What criteria should I use in deciding whether an error should terminate
>> the
>> process (exit) or not (error)? Either way, if not caught, it terminates
>> the
>> process, and, if caught, it doesn't. If I'm writing a function and there
>> is
>> an error, why would I decide, "this error should terminate the process"
>> and
>> "this error should not"? The function usually isn't even process-aware;
>> it's a function that does something; or not, and then it errors. It
>> doesn't
>> care whether it is part of a supervision tree or linked web of processes;
>> it
>> just wants to signal an error, and let the caller decide whether to catch
>> it
>> or crash. Why is the erroring function giving a hint to the caller as to
>> how to handle its errors, and, really, what does the hint even mean, since
>> it seems to make no effective difference?
> Effectively, no, any uncaught exception of any kind will terminate the
> process. But using exit(X) indicates that you know this code is running as
> part of a process which should at this point die unless someone for some
> even better reason decides to catch the exception, and the value X is
> something that some other process might be looking for in an 'EXIT' or
> 'DOWN' message. And of course, 'exit(normal)' has the special meaning of
> terminating the process just as if it had simply returned from its initial
> call - any linked processes which are not trapping exit signals will stay
> alive if they receive an exit signal with the reason 'normal', while any
> other exit reason will cause them to fail and propagate the same signal. In
> any case, a process terminating due to an explicit exit(X) is considered to
> be a controlled termination, and the Erlang error logger will not log this.
> Using error(X), on the other hand, says that you just want to signal an
> error but with no particular intent of ending the process; it is not
> possible to proceed, but the caller might want to catch the exception and
> try something else. Your code has no opinion on what to do on a process
> level. An uncaught error (or throw) will terminate the process and also
> bring down any non-error-trapping linked processes, and the error logger
> will log the crash as an anomalous process termination.
I have a problem with this - when you write library routines, or just write
a function
I'm not normally thinking about the process(s) in which the function is
Whether or not the process exits is a decision made by the caller of a
function and not
the function itself. You can say exit(..) in a function but the caller
might trap the
exit and not die. Therefore if the reader of a function interprets exit(..)
as meaning the
process should die, then they might get a nasty surprise later.
I use exit(..) when a return value is impossible. For example dividing by
is impossible, so I might say:
divide(A,0) -> exit(you_cant_divide_by_zero);
divide(A, B) -> A/B.
This *has* to be exit because I cannot return a value.
factorial(N) when N < 0 -> exit(...)
etc. factorial is not defined over negative integers.
When do I user error(...)? - not often. I tend to stick to exit(..) and
Originally (a long time ago) exit meant "crash with lot of noise and force
the programmer
to re-write their code" - trapping exits was used to close-files etc. and
clean up
after a crash.
> /Richard
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