[erlang-questions] "Bad value on output port" when my erlang process communicates with a c-node
Richard Evans
Wed Nov 2 11:17:28 CET 2011
I have a problem which I don't understand. Very grateful for any info
you guys have.
My erlang server is communicating with a c-node, using the example
code in Joe Armstrong's book.
So for example, when the server is created:
create() ->
spawn(fun() ->
process_flag(trap_exit, true),
Port = open_port({spawn,
"../ltp_server/Server/build/Debug/server"}, [{packet, 2}]),
loop(self(), Port)
Here is the main loop:
loop(Server, Port) ->
{call, Caller, Msg} ->
Port ! {self(), {command, encode(Msg)}},
{Port, {data, Data}} ->
Caller ! {Server, decode(Data)}
loop(Server, Port);
stop ->
Port ! {self(), close},
{Port, closed} -> exit(normal)
{'EXIT', Port, Reason} ->
exit({port_terminated, Reason})
The problem I have is that if the Msg I am sending to the c-node has
certain special characters in it, I get "Bad value on output port".
For example, this encoding line below generates the error:
encode({perform_choice, C, Choice, Spin}) ->
[?SERVER_INSTRUCTION_PERFORM_CHOICE, Spin | C] ++ ['#' | Choice]; %
delimiting the two strings with '#'
But if I delimit with '~" instead of '#', the problem goes away:
encode({perform_choice, C, Choice, Spin}) ->
[?SERVER_INSTRUCTION_PERFORM_CHOICE, Spin | C] ++ [~' | Choice]; %
delimiting the two strings with '~'
I *thought* you could send any ascii value 0-255 from erlang to c. So
'#" would be just as legitimate as '~'. Can you guys shed any light on
why I am seeing this problem?
thanks in advance,
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