[erlang-questions] dialyzer error

Vincent Manis vmanis@REDACTED
Fri May 13 07:24:43 CEST 2011

On 2011-05-12, at 21:59, Bengt Kleberg wrote:

> Is there a way to set environment variables in Windows? If so, try to
> set such a variable called HOME to a directory you can read/write in.
> Then start dialyzer.

My Windows days are long since behind me, but I believe what you do is to go to the System applet in the Control Panel, and select the Advanced button. One of the tabs that shows up says Environment. You want to create a new variable in the System (rather that User) set. Yes, I know that sounds pretty random. 

If you're activating your program from the Command Prompt, you can say SET HOME=c:\myhome before you invoke the program. This is the same as export HOME=/home/myhome in Unix/Linux. 

Windows has two variables, HOMEDRIVE and HOMEPATH, which combined lead you to what Windows thinks is your home directory, c:\documents and settings\smith, in XP. I always had a different home directory in Windows, because so many programs dislike spaces in file or directory names. 

Hope that helps -- vincent

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