[erlang-questions 24] Re: dialyzer and ssl
Roberto Ostinelli
Sat Mar 26 14:21:24 CET 2011
2011/3/26 Kostis Sagonas <kostis@REDACTED>
> You have not told us which Erlang/OTP version this is, so it's hard to tell
> you what's happening. The documentation you are pointing us at is for
> R14B02. Is your code also using the dialyzer of this version?
> In R14B02 the spec for this function (from the ssl.erl code) reads:
> -spec ssl_accept(#sslsocket{} | port(), timeout()| [option()]) ->
> ok | {ok, #sslsocket{}} | {error, reason()}.
> which makes me strongly suspect that this function has changed return
> values between Erlang/OTP versions (it was previously returning 'ok' and now
> it returns {'ok', #sslsocket{}}, or the other way around).
> My advice: if you are to be relying on the Erlang/OTP documentation on the
> web, use R14B02.
> Kostis
hi kostis,
i'm using R13B04, and i've built the .dialyzer_plt file against this
version. to improve the compatibility with previous versions, i've therefore
case ssl:ssl_accept(Sock, 60000) of
ok ->
{ok, NewSock} ->
{error, _Reason} ->
dialyzer is still complaining obviously since it is not waiting for an 'ok'
match, however i know by empirical tests that it's the 'ok' being matched,
not the '{ok, NewSock}', in R13B04.
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