[erlang-questions] Erlang/OTP R14B02 generating documentation from source problem
Kazuhiro Ogura
Wed Mar 23 13:24:36 CET 2011
It was CentOS 5.5 (on vmware).
2011/3/21 Boris Mühmer <boris.muehmer@REDACTED>:
> Could You please say, which OS You use?
> I reported this "strange behavior" for Ubuntu 10.04 / 10.10 some time ago.
> - boris
> 2011/3/21 Kazuhiro Ogura <goura@REDACTED>:
>> Hi,
>> I had the same error, and after some struggles,
>> finally I changed the shebang line of
>> lib/erl_docgen/priv/bin/xref_mod_app.escript
>> to the absolute path to escript, and it worked.
>> -#!/usr/bin/env escript
>> +#!/usr/local/bin/escript
>> I don't know why it worked,
>> so I can't tell whether this works for you or not.
>> Sure I have xmlerl-x.y.z in the lib/ dir, and I can load xmerl in a
>> normal erlang shell.
>> Also what's strange is that when I manually execute the command,
>> (which fails complaining about exception about xmerl:export_simple/2
>> in the make process),
>> it succeeds without any errors.
>> (May be some envvar passed to script is doing something wrong?)
>> Kazuhiro Ogura
>> 2011/3/17 Lukas Larsson <lukas.larsson@REDACTED>:
>>> It seems to me like xmerl is not in the erlang install which is in your path. Check that xmerl-x.y.z is in the lib/ dir of the erlang you have in your path. or alternatively that you can load the xmerl module in a normal erlang shell.
>>> Lukas
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Damian Dobroczyński" <qoocku@REDACTED>
>>> To: erlang-questions@REDACTED
>>> Sent: Thursday, 17 March, 2011 11:51:39 GMT +01:00 Amsterdam / Berlin / Bern / Rome / Stockholm / Vienna
>>> Subject: [erlang-questions] Erlang/OTP R14B02 generating documentation from source problem
>>> Hi.
>>> I downloaded, compiled and tried to "make docs" and "make install-docs".
>>> The first went fine. The result of the latter is the following:
>>> escript: exception error: undefined function xmerl:export_simple/2
>>> in function erl_eval:do_apply/5
>>> in call from erl_eval:expr/5
>>> in call from erl_eval:exprs/5
>>> in call from erl_eval:local_func/5
>>> in call from escript:interpret/4
>>> in call from escript:start/1
>>> in call from init:start_it/1
>>> So, I installed without docs ("make install") and then tried again. The
>>> result was the same. So I removed all escript links and files that I had
>>> had already (some artifacts from previous releases and such) so that I
>>> had only fresh escript in the installation directory and a link in the
>>> prefix (/usr/local/bin) directory. The result was the same. Can somebody
>>> help me, please?
>>> D.
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