[erlang-questions] Process pool map/3 implementation
Dmitrii Dimandt
Wed Jul 20 10:07:32 CEST 2011
There's also RabbitMQ's worker_pool, http://www.lshift.net/blog/2010/03/29/on-the-limits-of-concurrency-worker-pools-in-erlang, and my feeble attempt at somewhat extending it: https://github.com/dmitriid/worker_pool
> Hash: SHA1
> For a work project I have a large list (thousands of items) to process
> and at first built a "pmap" implementation as per Joe's book until I
> found the plists module (which is awesome btw).
> There is one glaring issue with the list -> subdivide -> spawn x
> processes for n sublist items strategy; if an item in the sublist takes
> longer than all the other items it blocks the entire resource allotment
> until it is done.
> In most cases, the plists/pmap implementation works just fine because
> the items in the list probably don't take more than a few milliseconds
> to map the fun over. However, it does become an issue when that is not
> the case.
> So, I figured the next best strategy would be to implement a process
> pool since it would allow for slow running processes to continue their
> work while finished processes can die and new processes spawned into the
> pool ready for work - so none of the resources are sitting idle.
> Right now, my module isn't nearly as feature-complete as the plists
> module is - this is only a drop in replacement for map. Please submit
> your criticisms and comments to me at this address.
> You may find the code on BitBucket: https://bitbucket.org/ixmatus/ppool
> - --
> Parnell "ixmatus" Springmeyer (http://ixmat.us)
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Dmitrii Dimandt
Erlang in Russian
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