Caching server

Nicholas Wieland ngw@REDACTED
Sat Feb 19 03:19:04 CET 2011

Hi *, I'm reading the Manning book.
My question is very simple: a full chapter of the book is devoted to the implementation of a simple caching server. The author, if I got it correctly, at one point states that in Erlang, thanks to its lightweight processes, it's ok to have a caching server that spawns a process for every key/value pair.
Of course I don't expect that the example in the book is a production ready implementation, but I would like to ask if it would be possible for an architecture like this to be production ready (say, something like Redis), or if I should take it with a pinch of salt, only as a demonstration.
This thing made me curious because there's no language or technology that would permit something like this, hence my question :)

Nicholas Wieland
StyleJam BDFL

The only "intuitive" interface is the nipple. After that it's all learned. – Bruce Ediger

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