[erlang-questions] EDoc - Generate Docs For Private Functions

Richard Carlsson carlsson.richard@REDACTED
Sun Dec 25 11:30:28 CET 2011

On 12/25/2011 03:02 AM, Miguel Morales wrote:
> Hi All,
> I'm starting to use edoc to document an existing erlang code base.
> The easiest way I've found is to add a doc target to my Makefile that
> does the following:
> DOC_OPTS={{private,true}, {todo,true}, def,{version,\"${VERSION}\"}}
> erl -pa ./ebin -noshell -eval "edoc:application(${APPNAME}, \".\",
> [${DOC_OPTS}])." -s init stop
> However, there is no html documentation generated for modules that
> don't explicitly export its functions.

I have problems understanding this statement. Are you using 
-compile(export_all) instead of -export(...)? In that case, don't do 
that. If it's generated code, then generate the export lists as well.


> I see in the documentation edoc:get_doc which takes an options tuple
> but I'm not sure what the best way to use this with the existing
> makefile by adding the least amount of code.  That's why I was hoping
> that edoc:application would honor the {private, true} flag.
> Any hints or ideas?
> Thanks for any help.
> --
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