[erlang-questions] illegal guard expression for IF illegal guard expression for "if"

Richard O'Keefe ok@REDACTED
Mon Dec 5 02:50:54 CET 2011

The essential point is that guards are part of pattern matching,
and that to make pattern matching efficient you want the compiler
to be able to move stuff around a fair bit.  Now consider

f(X, Y) when g(X), X > 0 -> ...

This has the *same* meaning and effect as

f(X, Y) when X > 0, g(X) -> ...

but it wouldn't have if g(_) could be an arbitrary function.

Back when I was still at RMIT I proposed stealing an idea from
NU Prolog, which had ":- pure <predicate name>" declarations to
inform the compiler that <predicate name> had no side effects &c.
That's not quite strong enough:  for a guard expression we want
to know that it is pure and *bounded*.  In the presence of bignum
arithmetic, "bounded" is a little hard to define, but
"time and temporary workspace polynominal in the inputs" gets close.

Abstract patterns turn out to provide *exactly* the right mixture of
expressiveness to handle most I-wish-I-could-call-this-in-a-guard
needs and limitation to make it safe.

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