[erlang-questions] Erlang At The Edinburgh Festival - Sun 28th August

Gordon Guthrie gordon@REDACTED
Tue Aug 2 00:26:09 CEST 2011

There is a new festival at the Edinburgh Festivals which focuses on
technology - the Turing Festival:

It is a curated festival with an organisational team who decided on
what's hot and what's not. But like all good Edinburgh Festivals it
has an uncurated fringe - A Bit On The Side @ Turing

As part of A Bit On The Side @ Turing I am organising a mini-Erlang
Factory with Erlang Solutions.

The confirmed speakers so far are:
* keynote from Robert Virding
* Mobile Couchbase - a talk about CouchDb on Android by Dale Harvey of
erldocs.com fame
* IronMaster - an open source platform manager for the cloud by Sam Elliott

There is still room for a couple of more talks so if you are an Erlang
bug who will be in or around the Edinburgh Festival on Sunday 28th
August, or your boss wants you to plug the product and you fancy
'happening' to be at the worlds biggest arts, culture and comedy
festival whilst doing your duty, get in touch.

More details here:



Gordon Guthrie
CEO hypernumbers

t: hypernumbers
+44 7776 251669

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