[erlang-questions] GPL3 - EPL compatibility
Jesse Gumm
Tue Apr 26 20:36:12 CEST 2011
You're free to release a program under any license you want. The EPL
pertains to the Erlang language itself, not necessarily to programs
written in Erlang.
On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 12:39 PM, Roberto Majadas Lopez
<roberto.majadas@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hello erlang hackers :
> I'm planning to develop a erlang program and i want to release it under gpl3
> license.
> i read, in the gnu web page, epl (mpl 1.0 based license) is not compatible
> with GPL(2/3).
> In this page http://www.gnu.org/licenses/license-list.html gnu layers
> explain this ...
> ----
> Mozilla Public License (MPL)
> This is a free software license which is not a strong copyleft; unlike the
> X11 license, it has some complex restrictions that make it incompatible with
> the GNU GPL. That is, a module covered by the GPL and a module covered by
> the MPL cannot legally be linked together. We urge you not to use the MPL
> for this reason.
> However, MPL 1.1 has a provision (section 13) that allows a program (or
> parts of it) to offer a choice of another license as well. If part of a
> program allows the GNU GPL as an alternate choice, or any other
> GPL-compatible license as an alternate choice, that part of the program has
> a GPL-compatible license.
> -----
> So , if EPL don't have the MPL1.1 section 13 , EPL is not GPL compatible.
> But, in the other hand, the ejabberd2 license was released under GPL2.
> So my questions are :
> * can i release source code under GPL3 or 2 using Erlang?
> * if i can't do it , can erlang team to consider add the section 13 to the
> EPL license and make it GPL compatible ?
> regards
> Roberto
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Jesse Gumm
Sigma Star Systems
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