[erlang-questions] http:request
Kostis Sagonas
Fri Apr 22 09:49:14 CEST 2011
Carlo Bertoldi wrote:
> Il 21/04/2011 17:10, Carlo Bertoldi ha scritto:
>> Good afternoon,
>> I have a problem with http:request.
> <snip>
>> Result = http:request(get, {CompleteUrl, [{"User-Agent", "Erl-bot"}]},
>> [], []),
>> io:format("Result = ~p~n", [Result]).
>> Occasionally I don't see Result printed, but a nice error:
>> ** Reason for termination ==
>> ** {{badmatch,{16,6,18}},
> Hello, I discovered the cause of the badmatch: it was due to the debug
> macro I've defined.
> Here it is:
> -define(DBG(Str, Args),
> {Year, Month, Day} = date(),
> {Hour, Min, Sec} = time(),
> io:format("~2.10.0B/~2.10.0B/~4B ~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B [~p:~p] -
> ", [Day, Month,
> Year, Hour, Min, Sec, ?MODULE, ?LINE]), io:format(Str, Args)).
> Can someone explain me what I did wrong here? Why should I obtain a
> badmatch on {Hour, Min, Sec} = time() ?
A typical reason for this is if you used the macro in some context where
variables named Hour, Min, and Sec already existed. This is called name
capture and is a typical problem of macros. You should carefully examine
all places in the code where this macro is used. Alternatively, you can
try to minimize the risk of name capture by changing the macro to e.g.:
-define(DBG(Str, Args),
{Year__, Month__, Day__} = date(),
{Hour__, Min__, Sec__} = time(),
io:format("~2.10.0B/~2.10.0B/~4B ~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B [~p:~p]
- ", [Day__, Month__, Year__, Hour__, Min__, Sec__, ?MODULE, ?LINE]),
io:format(Str, Args)).
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