[erlang-questions] Pattern matching in function calls
Robert Raschke
Fri Apr 15 19:25:38 CEST 2011
That code makes me wonder if it could be rewritten using gen_fsm. Never used
gen_fsm myself, so I'm not really sure.
On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 11:48 AM, Dave Challis <dsc@REDACTED> wrote:
> Hi Robby,
> Yup, I agree completely :)
> My question was mostly prompted by a blog post (
> http://ppolv.wordpress.com/2008/02/25/parsing-csv-in-erlang/) on parsing
> CSV in erlang.
> The do_parse function there has a dozen items which search binaries and
> check state, which made me wonder whether swapping the argument order round
> would make any difference at all.
> Cheers,
> Dave
> On 13/04/11 19:44, Robert Raschke wrote:
>> Hi Dave,
>> probably not quite the answer you were looking for, but aim for
>> readability first (that's usually already hard enough :-). Only
>> compromise that if something is measurably too slow.
>> In the example you give, it doesn't appear to make any big difference
>> for readability, but I assume your real code is a bit more
>> "interesting"?
>> Robby
>> On 4/13/11, Dave Challis<dsc@REDACTED> wrote:
>>> On 13/04/11 13:46, Antoine Koener wrote:
>>>> On Apr 13, 2011, at 13:44 , Dave Challis wrote:
>>>> Does the order of patterns in a function call matter? Are they all
>>>>> tested, or will erlang stop trying to match them once a mismatch has
>>>>> been found?
>>>>> As an example, if I've got:
>>>>> foo(<<SomeLargeBinary>>, a) -> a;
>>>>> foo(<<SomeLargeBinary>>, b) -> b.
>>>>> will the above be any slower than defining:
>>>>> foo(a,<<SomeLargeBinary>>) -> a;
>>>>> foo(b,<<SomeLargeBinary>>) -> b.
>>>>> Will the<<SomeLargeBinary>> attempt to be matched in every case? Is
>>>>> it something worth thinking about, or will the compiler optimise this?
>>>> If the content of<<SomeLargeBinary>> is irrelevant, you can use the '_'
>>>> notation:
>>>> foo(a, _Bin) -> a;
>>>> foo(b, _Bin) -> b;
>>>> Then this is explicit for the reader that you don't want to check _Bin.
>>> Sorry, my example wasn't great, I was more wondering about the cases
>>> when the binary data is relevant.
>>> So a better example might be:
>>> foo(<<$x,_Rest/binary>>, a) -> a1;
>>> foo(<<$y,_Rest/binary>>, a) -> a2;
>>> foo(<<$z,_Rest/binary>>, a) -> a3;
>>> foo(<<$x,_Rest/binary>>, b) -> b.
>>> If I then called:
>>> foo(<<"x">>, b).
>>> Would erlang perform 4 binary pattern matches until it got to the last
>>> clause?
>>> Or would it optimise things and only perform a single binary match by
>>> matching on the atoms first?
>>> Or will it always test all arguments in all cases?
>>> --
>>> Dave Challis
>>> dsc@REDACTED
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> --
> Dave Challis
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