[erlang-questions] ets vs list
Morten Krogh
Mon Sep 13 18:10:21 CEST 2010
Thanks again.
My question might have been hard to understand because I made an
assumption that might be wrong, namely that
an ets table has a corresponding process. I don't mean the owning
process, but an implicit process that is spawned automatically
when the table is created, and that all insertions and deletions are
going through that process. Is that just my imagination?
Is an ets table only a hash table and nothing more? No corresponding
process that serializes all access to it? ETS:lookup is just a function
call, not a hidden
message pass, receive construct or what?
On 9/13/10 5:43 PM, Ulf Wiger wrote:
> On 09/13/2010 05:16 PM, Morten Krogh wrote:
>> Ulf and Robert,
>> thanks for your answers. It makes sense that delete calls free in the
>> malloc sense.
>> What I don't get now, is what data the data in ets that is not garbage
>> collected, actually is.
> Hmm, not sure I understand the question, but data copied into ETS is
> managed separately from the process heap data. The Erlang VM has
> a system of "memory carriers" to manage the allocation of different
> types of data, in order to fight memory fragmentation. ETS data, which
> tends to be more long lived and of different granularity than process
> heaps, is stored in separate carrier blocks. Binaries are stored in
> other types of carriers, etc. But they are just regular Erlang objects.
> Basically, you have a few different kinds of data inside the VM.
> To name a few:
> - The atom table, is never garbage-collected; atoms are never deleted
> - ETS tables, whole tables are automatically removed when the owner
> process dies; individual objects remain while the table remains,
> unless explicitly deleted
> - Large binaries, reside on a shared heap; they are reference-counted
> - Process heaps, are managed with a stop-and-copy garbage collector;
> when a process dies, the whole process heap is freed, informing
> monitoring and linked processes, as well as decrementing binary
> reference counters and deleting any ETS tables owned by the process.
>> Does the ets process have data beyond the table itself?
>> Are we talking about intermediate values used in the match function etc?
> Ah, the select function actually executes in a special 'pseudo process'
> inside the Erlang VM. It has its own little stack machine, called the
> PAM ("PAM" stands for "Patrik's Abstract Machine", I think, where
> "Patrik" stands for Patrik Nyblom).
> erts/emulator/beam/erl_db_util.c
> So garbage resulting from a select operation accumulates on the
> pseudo process heap and is subject to the same kind of GC as
> any regular process (I assume).
> There's a _lot_ to memory management in the Erlang VM. I don't
> claim to understand more than a tiny part of it.
> BR,
> Ulf W
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