[erlang-questions] Random behaviour
Vlad Dumitrescu
Sun Sep 5 21:13:29 CEST 2010
On Sun, Sep 5, 2010 at 20:45, tom kelly <ttom.kelly@REDACTED> wrote:
> I just found a bahaviour I didn't expect in OTPs random module, it's not
> necessarily a bug but I thought I'd share it here all the same.
Hi Tom,
The problem is in your code...
test_my_buggy_code() ->
Data = lists:map(fun(_) -> random:uniform(100) end, lists:seq(1,10)),
Data = my_buggy_code(Data),
io:format("ok - ~p~n",[Data]).
my_buggy_code(Data) ->
N = random:uniform(10),
N > 3 -> Data;
true -> [1|Data]
If N is larger than 3, then my_buggy_code returns the same list and
the second line in test_my_buggy_code matches. Otherwise, Data can
never match [1|Data].
You probably want
Data = lists:map(fun(_) -> random:uniform(100) end, lists:seq(1,10)),
ProcessedData = my_buggy_code(Data),
io:format("ok - ~p~n",[ProcessedData]).
best regards,
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