[erlang-questions] mnesia:transform_table

Igor Ribeiro Sucupira igorrs@REDACTED
Wed May 26 08:52:23 CEST 2010

If you are still modelling the tables, you might also want to consider
some approach to avoid running mnesia:transform_table/3, since it
needs to rewrite all the records.

For example, as described here:

And discussed in this thread (from the third post on):

Good luck.

On Wed, May 26, 2010 at 2:09 AM, Chris Hicks
<silent_vendetta@REDACTED> wrote:
> So when updating a record definition the updated record, when reloaded, is not compatible with the old version of the record, as far as I understand it. Updating a Mnesia table to handle the new definition is straightforward enough but, my question revolves around the rest of the running system. Mainly I want to know what is the general (if there is one) process to updating a running system in this manner?
> Should you create a function which locks the whole table, reloads the code and updated all the definitions at the same time? What happens to the rest of the running system when you update a record definition while a process is in the middle of working with that old record?
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