[erlang-questions] beam[8449]: segfault at 0 ip 0000000000437e10 sp 00007fffce250948 error 4 in beam[400000+174000]

Eric Liang eric.l.2046@REDACTED
Tue May 25 05:24:57 CEST 2010

On 05/24/2010 09:14 PM, Mikael Pettersson wrote:
> Liang Yupeng wrote:
>> Thanks for your reply, Mikael. Yes, it is beam.smp and 64-bit one.
> I have some doubts about that, see below.
>>> 3. what tools (esp. gcc version) was this built with?
>> I install erlang by the command apt-get:
> ...
>> Is this OK? Should I install a new beam-vm by source to get some debug info?
> Run `strings -a /path/to/beam | fgrep GCC | sort -u'
> (where /path/to/beam is the path to the beam executable).

    sunny@REDACTED:~$ strings -a /usr/lib/erlang/erts-5.7.2/bin/beam |
    fgrep GCC | sort -u
    sunny@REDACTED:~$ strings -a /usr/lib/erlang/erts-5.7.2/bin/beam.smp |
    fgrep GCC | sort -u

You see, neither beam nor beam.smp contains the string like GCC. :(

>>> 4. using gdb or objdump on the `beam' executable, can you
>>>    provide a disassembly of the procedure surrounding 0x437e10?
>>     sunny@REDACTED:~$ objdump -D /usr/lib/erlang/erts-5.7.2/bin/beam.smp >
>>     beam.smp.objdump
>>     sunny@REDACTED:~$ cat beam.smp.objdump | grep -C 10 437e1
>>       437deb:    48 83 c4 38              add    $0x38,%rsp
>>       437def:    e9 8c fa ff ff           jmpq   437880
>>     <erts_alcu_realloc_thr_spec>
>>       437df4:    be 36 7e 55 00           mov    $0x557e36,%esi
>>       437df9:    89 c7                    mov    %eax,%edi
>>       437dfb:    e8 70 50 00 00           callq  43ce70
>>     <erts_thr_fatal_error>
>>     0000000000437e00 <erts_alcu_realloc_ts>:
>>       437e00:    4c 89 6c 24 e8           mov    %r13,-0x18(%rsp)
>>       437e05:    4c 8d ae 28 01 00 00     lea    0x128(%rsi),%r13
>>       437e0c:    48 89 5c 24 d0           mov    %rbx,-0x30(%rsp)
>>       437e11:    48 89 6c 24 d8           mov    %rbp,-0x28(%rsp)
>>       437e16:    4c 89 64 24 e0           mov    %r12,-0x20(%rsp)
>>       437e1b:    48 89 f3                 mov    %rsi,%rbx
>>       437e1e:    4c 89 74 24 f0           mov    %r14,-0x10(%rsp)
>>       437e23:    4c 89 7c 24 f8           mov    %r15,-0x8(%rsp)
>>       437e28:    41 89 fe                 mov    %edi,%r14d
>>       437e2b:    48 83 ec 38              sub    $0x38,%rsp
>>       437e2f:    4c 89 ef                 mov    %r13,%rdi
>>       437e32:    48 89 d5                 mov    %rdx,%rbp
>>       437e35:    49 89 cc                 mov    %rcx,%r12
>>       437e38:    e8 e3 f1 fe ff           callq  427020
>>     <pthread_mutex_lock@REDACTED>
>>       437e3d:    85 c0                    test   %eax,%eax
>>       437e3f:    0f 85 ae 02 00 00        jne    4380f3
>>     <erts_alcu_realloc_ts+0x2f3>
>>       437e45:    48 85 ed                 test   %rbp,%rbp
>> Is these lines enough?
> This makes me suspect even more that the crash is in an instance of
> the uni-processor beam executable, not the beam.smp executable.
> There are two signs for that:
> 1. The kernel message refers to the executable as `beam' not `beam.smp'.
You are right. After looking back the benchmark process, I found the

    sunny     4796  0.9  1.8 134320 76444 ?        Sl   10:58   0:00
    /usr/lib/erlang/erts-5.7.2/bin/beam -A 256 -P 250000 -- -root
    /usr/lib/erlang -progname erl -- -home /home/sunny -noshell -noinput
    -noshell -noinput -master tsung_controller@REDACTED -name
    os_mon@REDACTED -s slave slave_start
    tsung_controller@REDACTED slave_waiter_2 -rsh ssh -noshell
    -noinput -setcookie tsung -smp disable

This is a tsung monitor process which was started by the tsung
controller to get the information from dev-3.

> 2. The above disassembly from beam.smp doesn't HAVE any instruction starting
>    at 0x437e10.
> So please do the objdump and grep thing again but on the plain `beam' executable.

    sunny@REDACTED:~/commands$ objdump -D
    /usr/lib/erlang/erts-5.7.2/bin/beam > beam.objdump
    sunny@REDACTED:~/commands$ cat beam.objdump | grep -C 10 437e10
      437ddd:    e9 35 ff ff ff           jmpq   437d17
      437de2:    66 0f 1f 44 00 00        nopw   0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
      437de8:    48 2d 20 e2 00 00        sub    $0xe220,%rax
      437dee:    31 d2                    xor    %edx,%edx
      437df0:    48 f7 b7 10 03 00 00     divq   0x310(%rdi)
      437df7:    05 c0 00 00 00           add    $0xc0,%eax
      437dfc:    e9 16 ff ff ff           jmpq   437d17
      437e01:    66 66 66 66 66 66 2e     nopw   %cs:0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
      437e08:    0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00
      437e0f:    00
      437e10:    4c 8b 06                 mov    (%rsi),%r8
      437e13:    49 83 e0 f8              and    $0xfffffffffffffff8,%r8
      437e17:    49 81 f8 1f 02 00 00     cmp    $0x21f,%r8
      437e1e:    77 40                    ja     437e60
      437e20:    49 8d 50 e0              lea    -0x20(%r8),%rdx
      437e24:    48 c1 ea 03              shr    $0x3,%rdx
      437e28:    4c 8b 4e 08              mov    0x8(%rsi),%r9
      437e2c:    4d 85 c9                 test   %r9,%r9
      437e2f:    74 4f                    je     437e80
      437e31:    48 8b 46 10              mov    0x10(%rsi),%rax
      437e35:    49 89 41 10              mov    %rax,0x10(%r9)
      437fae:    e8 ed fb ff ff           callq  437ba0
      437fb3:    4d 85 e4                 test   %r12,%r12
      437fb6:    48 89 c3                 mov    %rax,%rbx
      437fb9:    74 10                    je     437fcb
      437fbb:    48 8b 00                 mov    (%rax),%rax
      437fbe:    48 83 e0 f8              and    $0xfffffffffffffff8,%rax
      437fc2:    49 39 c7                 cmp    %rax,%r15
      437fc5:    0f 86 95 00 00 00        jbe    438060
      437fcb:    48 89 de                 mov    %rbx,%rsi
      437fce:    48 89 ef                 mov    %rbp,%rdi
      437fd1:    e8 3a fe ff ff           callq  437e10
      437fd6:    48 89 d8                 mov    %rbx,%rax
      437fd9:    48 8b 5c 24 08           mov    0x8(%rsp),%rbx
      437fde:    48 8b 6c 24 10           mov    0x10(%rsp),%rbp
      437fe3:    4c 8b 64 24 18           mov    0x18(%rsp),%r12
      437fe8:    4c 8b 6c 24 20           mov    0x20(%rsp),%r13
      437fed:    4c 8b 74 24 28           mov    0x28(%rsp),%r14
      437ff2:    4c 8b 7c 24 30           mov    0x30(%rsp),%r15
      437ff7:    48 83 c4 38              add    $0x38,%rsp
      437ffb:    c3                       retq  
      437ffc:    0f 1f 40 00              nopl   0x0(%rax)
      438081:    74 54                    je     4380d7
      438083:    4d 85 e4                 test   %r12,%r12
      438086:    74 0c                    je     438094
      438088:    48 8b 10                 mov    (%rax),%rdx
      43808b:    48 83 e2 f8              and    $0xfffffffffffffff8,%rdx
      43808f:    4c 39 fa                 cmp    %r15,%rdx
      438092:    73 cc                    jae    438060
      438094:    48 89 c6                 mov    %rax,%rsi
      438097:    48 89 ef                 mov    %rbp,%rdi
      43809a:    48 89 04 24              mov    %rax,(%rsp)
      43809e:    e8 6d fd ff ff           callq  437e10
      4380a3:    48 8b 04 24              mov    (%rsp),%rax
      4380a7:    e9 2d ff ff ff           jmpq   437fd9
      4380ac:    0f 1f 40 00              nopl   0x0(%rax)
      4380b0:    4c 8d ae e0 dd ff ff     lea    -0x2220(%rsi),%r13
      4380b7:    48 ba ab aa aa aa aa     mov    $0xaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab,%rdx
      4380be:    aa aa aa
      4380c1:    4c 89 e8                 mov    %r13,%rax
      4380c4:    48 f7 e2                 mul    %rdx
      4380c7:    48 c1 ea 09              shr    $0x9,%rdx
      4380cb:    44 8d aa 80 00 00 00     lea    0x80(%rdx),%r13d
      438302:    48 c7 83 b0 00 00 00     movq   $0x1000,0xb0(%rbx)
      438309:    00 10 00 00
      43830d:    48 c7 83 b8 00 00 00     movq   $0x18,0xb8(%rbx)
      438314:    18 00 00 00
      438318:    48 c7 43 28 2f 60 53     movq   $0x53602f,0x28(%rbx)
      43831f:    00
      438320:    48 c7 83 e8 00 00 00     movq   $0x437f40,0xe8(%rbx)
      438327:    40 7f 43 00
      43832b:    48 c7 83 f0 00 00 00     movq   $0x437d00,0xf0(%rbx)
      438332:    00 7d 43 00
      438336:    48 c7 83 f8 00 00 00     movq   $0x437e10,0xf8(%rbx)
      43833d:    10 7e 43 00
      438341:    48 c7 83 00 01 00 00     movq   $0x438480,0x100(%rbx)
      438348:    80 84 43 00
      43834c:    48 c7 83 08 01 00 00     movq   $0x0,0x108(%rbx)
      438353:    00 00 00 00
      438357:    48 c7 83 10 01 00 00     movq   $0x438100,0x110(%rbx)
      43835e:    00 81 43 00
      438362:    48 c7 83 18 01 00 00     movq   $0x438100,0x118(%rbx)
      438369:    00 81 43 00
      43836d:    48 c7 83 20 01 00 00     movq   $0x4385c0,0x120(%rbx)

Well, the beam does have the instructions starting at 0x437e10.

By the way, would you mind tell me where to get the beam vm sources? (or
erts sources if there is an address)

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