[erlang-questions] Re: Library management in erlang.

Tim Uckun timuckun@REDACTED
Wed May 19 00:33:35 CEST 2010

> We're talking about erlang packaging for more that 4 years, i'd really
> like the community to have a concencus on what we need and how we
> do/maintain it. spreading in many systems is not good, except if we have
> gateways (i'm almost certain we could write script that exports cean's
> package to erlware and import erlware contribution as cean package)
> By the way, i really liked Joe's idea on elib, and i think it can be good
> practice.

I didn't mean to stir up a hornets nest :).

As an outsider my only useful input would be that IMHO it would be a
very good idea to have a system like gems. The python community also
resisted a system for a long time but eventually settled on eggs and

I don't know what any ruby programmer would do without gems and I
don't know what any perl programmers would to without CPAN. It's just

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