ODBC Crashing

Brady McCary brady.mccary@REDACTED
Sat May 15 01:08:10 CEST 2010


The odbc port process is crashing. The system is erlang R13B04 on
windows. Database is MSSQL. I am almost certain that the crash has to
do with parsing/marshaling of decimal types, e.g.,

Sql = "exec dbo.foo bar = ?",
Bar = {{sql_decimal, 19, 6}, "123.456"},
odbc:param_query(Ref, Sql, [Bar])

Note that precision is greater or equal to 16 so that the odbc port
driver will probably be handling them as strings (according to the
documentation). The crash is intermittent, i.e., if Bar is fixed, then
the call will succeed more often than not. The need is not pressing
b/c we have switched from using {sql_decimal, P, S} to {sql_varchar,
N} b/c MSSQL parses the decimal out of the varchar fine for our


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