[erlang-questions] A historical questions about binaries

Claes Wikstrom klacke@REDACTED
Sat May 8 23:04:06 CEST 2010

On 05/07/2010 01:43 PM, Dmitrii Dimandt wrote:
> A friend of mine is digging deep into Erlang history and here's one question he hasn't found an answer to:
> At what time were binaries introduced in Erlang? I know that bit syntax appeared in 1999, it says so in the docs :) Were binaries introduced earlier? And what did they look like back then?

Binaries came a bit earlier, I introduced them during an effort to separate the emulator proper
from OS calls and then in particular the file system calls that were used to load code.
Thus came drivers, the whole driver arch, and in particular the file driver that replied with binaries
that could be fed to the code loading BIFs.

My guess would be 1995-1996


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