How to Cross compile Erlang/OTP R13B04 for TileraPro64

JR Zhang zhangjr2009@REDACTED
Sat Mar 27 21:51:51 CET 2010


I couldn't cross compile Erlang/OTP R13B04 for Tilera board properly. I
follow the steps described in, which are :
(1) cd $ERL_TOP
(2) ./otp_build configure --xcomp-conf=<path to
(3) ./otp_build boot -a
(4) ./otp_build release -a /lhome/x/otp
(5) ./Install -cross -minimal /lhome/x/otp
The compilation is successful without any errors. But after I upload it to
Tilera board and run it, I get an error, "Segmentation fault".

 I found a thread discussing how to cross compile R13B03 for Tilera Board .  I tried to add steps like
"touch lib/crypto/SKIP', "touch lib/ssl/SKIP", "touch lib/ssh/SKIP". But I
still didn't succeed.

Could someone help me? Thank you in advance.

Best Regards,
Jianrong Zhang
Kista Multicore Center, SICS

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