simplified attribute declaration

Laszlo Lovei lovei.laszlo@REDACTED
Sat Mar 20 13:12:55 CET 2010

On Mar 19, 1:23 pm, Kostis Sagonas <kos...@REDACTED> wrote:
> What is really happening is that attributes which take just one argument
> do not need to be enclosed in parentheses. On the other hand, attributes
> with more than one argument (read: whenever there is a ',' involved, as
> in the case of -define above) need to be enclosed in parentheses.

Does this mean that you also consider accepting "-record f, {f}." a
buggy behaviour? Because erl_parse.yrl explicitly supports it:
  attribute -> '-' atom attr_val
  attribute -> '-' atom typed_attr_val
  attribute -> '-' atom '(' typed_attr_val ')'
  attribute -> '-' 'spec' type_spec

  typed_attr_val -> expr ',' typed_record_fields
  typed_attr_val -> expr '::' top_type

  attr_val -> expr
  attr_val -> expr ',' exprs
  attr_val -> '(' expr ',' exprs ')'

> -module hello_world .
> -export [init/1, stop/2] .
> -define (DEBUG(X), io:format("debug: ~p~n", [X])) .
> So, in the last case, it's really the ',' that forces the parentheses.

No, in this case the preprocessor forces the parentheses:

> Personally, I do not see any compelling reason why one should be
> REQUIRED to put parentheses around the single argument of unary
> attributes.

Consistency with other parts of the language?

In the other hand, I do not see any compelling reason why should we
write -type and -spec without parentheses.


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