[erlang-questions] How often should a process be spawned?

Evans, Matthew mevans@REDACTED
Mon Mar 8 15:40:09 CET 2010

I guess it depends on your service. Spawning a process to handle a request in a gen_server is very cheap (using gen_server:reply for the response). In many of my applications if I have anything that will cause the gen_server to block for any amount of time I'll do just that.

I'll probably let a gen_server block for the time an mnesia or ETS lookup will take, but that's about it.

-----Original Message-----
From: erlang-questions@REDACTED [mailto:erlang-questions@REDACTED] On Behalf Of Jan Vincent
Sent: Sunday, March 07, 2010 7:01 AM
To: erlang-questions@REDACTED
Subject: [erlang-questions] How often should a process be spawned?

How often should a process be spawned?

Take for instance, a gen_server. After having eliminated that the invocation to the handle_call wouldn't change the current server's state, is it logical to spawn the rest of the operations on another process and to a gen_server:reply later on?

Jan Vincent Liwanag

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