[erlang-questions] Compare XML string
Sand T
Tue Jun 29 06:53:27 CEST 2010
Any suggestions from the team?
> Hi Michael,
> I need to compare two XML string and the XML string attribute order,
> value can be different as you pointed out in your explanation. The
> comparison should give *false* only if the value of attribute is
> different or some attribute is missing, It should not give *false* if
> order of attribute is different. However, when I perform,
>> {Given, _} = xmerl_scan:file("Given.xml"),
>> {Expected,_} = xmerl_scan:file("Expected.xml"),
>> --then directly compare the resulting data structures in the obvious (?)
>> way:
>> Virtually_identical = (Given =:= Expected)
> it gives me *false* if the order of attribute is different. The two
> example string that I used is
> S="<xml session=\"123\"><response type=\"progress\" code=\"100\"
> im=\"IM\" login=\"L\">Connected To Server</response></xml>".
> Exp = "<xml session=\"123\"><response type=\"progress\" im=\"IM\"
> code=\"100\" login=\"L\">Connected To Server</response></xml>".
> Regards,
> Sandeep
> On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 8:56 PM, Michael Turner
> <michael.eugene.turner@REDACTED> wrote:
>> I feel like I must be missing something in your question. Let's say that
>> the Given XML is in a file Given.xml, the Expected in a file Expected.xml.
>> Just read them in--
>> {Given, _} = xmerl_scan:file("Given.xml"),
>> {Expected,_} = xmerl_scan:file("Expected.xml"),
>> --then directly compare the resulting data structures in the obvious (?)
>> way:
>> Virtually_identical = (Given =:= Expected)
>> Of course, the two files could be different in certain inconsequential
>> details, such as having have the same set of attributes in an XML element
>> but in a different order, and/or having different tag formatting in
>> whitespace. E.g., Expected.xml might literally have
>> <sometag id="me" value="1 cent"/>
>> while Given.xml had
>> <sometag
>> value = "1 cent"
>> id = me
>> />
>> but the comparison above with Given with Expected (the resulting tree
>> structures) would still yield true all other things being equal. Isn't that
>> what you want, though?
>> If you want to know the contents of the two files *AS STRINGS* are identical
>> (regardless of whether they are XML, I suppose), why not just read them in
>> (say as binaries) and compare them?
>> -michael turner
>> On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 3:43 PM, Sand T <sand.softnet1@REDACTED> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I need to compare two given XML string to ensure that the two strings
>>> are identical or not at runtime. Does anyone have any idea on how to
>>> do this in erlang?
>>> Following are some of the examples
>>> Given String
>>> <response type=\"progress\" im=\"IM\" login=\"ABC\"
>>> code=\"102\">Authentication Successful ...</response>
>>> Exp String:
>>> <response type=\"progress\" im=\"IM\" login=\"ABC\"
>>> code=\"102\">Authentication Successful ...</response>
>>> Eq 2:
>>> Given String
>>> <response type=\"progress\" im=\"IM\" login=\"ABC\"
>>> code=\"102\">Authentication Successful ...</response>
>>> <buddies im=\"IM\" login=\"ABC\"><buddy name=\"XYZ\" nickname=\"\"
>>> status=\"offline\" custom=\"Is offline\" group=\"Friends\"
>>> blocked=\"no\"/></buddies>
>>> Expected:
>>> <response type=\"progress\" im=\"IM\" login=\"ABC\" >Authentication
>>> Successful ...</response>
>>> <buddies im=\"IM\" login=\"ABC\" ><buddy name=\"XYZ\" nickname=\"\"
>>> status=\"online\" custom=\"Is offline\" group=\"Friends\"
>>> blocked=\"no\"/></buddies>
>>> Regards,
>>> Sandeep
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