[erlang-questions] utf-8 PB
Jean-Yves F. Barbier
Thu Jun 17 14:10:10 CEST 2010
Le Thu, 17 Jun 2010 04:57:46 +0200,
Håkan Stenholm <hokan.stenholm@REDACTED> a écrit :
Thanks for this very complete howto Håkan!!
Just one more precision: the way I understand it, I'll be able to
translate any string I want AFAI use the syntax you gave me (?)
Because I saw many project not written in Erlang where you can
only translate some strings (ie: not the menu items, which could be very
annoying if they don't speak English at all.)
> You can use gettext (http://github.com/etnt/gettext) for translations,
> usage in source code simple, although setting up gettext itself is a bit
> more work. Usage:
> * Add gettext to your project and build it.
> * Add code that start the gettext process and ensure that its loads its
> .po files (.po files are translation files that can be reloaded at any
> time).
> * Include the gettext.hrl file in your erl files if they need to do
> translations.
> * You can then use the TXT/1, TXT/2, STXT/2 and STXT/3 macors.
> * TXT/1 and STXT/2 rely on that process-dictionary value
> (gettext_language) being set in the current process, if you retrieve
> translated texts from other processes, you should ensure that they use
> the same language (or pass your current choice along).
> * TXT/2 and STXT/3 also take the language as an argument.
> ====================================================
> Gettext using code will look like this:
> io:format("Hello world", []) becomes ?TXT("Hello world")
> while
> FN = "....",
> LN = "....",
> ?STXT("Good day $first_name$ $last_name$", [{first_name, FN},
> {last_name, LN}]),
> which allows you to reorder your format strings ($...$) arguments,
> replace code like:
> io:format("Good day ~s ~s", [FN, LN]),
> which can't nicely handle needs like reordering the FN and LN arguments
> (in certain languages) and which yields format strings that are hard to
> understand for translators (they don't see what "~s ~s" is if they only
> have access to the po file).
> ====================================================
> Notes:
> * Add TXT/STXT usage as soon as possible if you want to avoid
> unnecessary work of rewriting io:formats, supply good $...$ format
> values and want to reduce the risk of adding to many / to few TXT/STXT
> usages because your unsure if its needed.
> * It may be useful to write a run_in_language_context/2 function that
> takes a fun (the code to run) and a language to use while this fun is
> run - so that you change and revert the process-dictionary value
> (gettext_lamguage), without occasionally forgetting to change it back.
> * po files can be manipulated by the GNU Gettext command line tools.
> * Poedit may be useful for translators to translate
> * If there is no translation you will simply get your original (source
> code string back).
> * You should have a make build target (or tool) that can create a
> "master" po file, that contains the strings currently used by the
> TXT/STXT macros in the source code. This "master" file can then be
> merged with current (translated) po files using the GNU gettext tools.
> "gettext_compile:parse_transform/2" that processes the erlang parse tree
> looking for gettext:key2str/1 [a] calls and the
> "-compile({parse_transform,gettext_compile})." in gettext.hrl can be
> helpful for this.
> [a]: gettext:key2str/1 is the basis of all text macros - erlc parse
> trees have their macros expanded so you can't look directly for them.
> * The format string in TXT and STXT must be a "...." string in the
> source code, or the gettext_compile code will fail to extract it.
> * It's probably fairly easy to write a regexp that can extract the
> 'TXT("......"' parts, which should be faster than having to compile all
> files to create parse trees for use by gettext_compile.
Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying
of nothing.
-- Redd Foxx
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