[erlang-questions] lists:seq/3 strange behaviour
Bartłomiej Puzoń
Tue Jun 15 14:04:24 CEST 2010
This behaviour is actually described in lists manual:
"Failure: If To<From-Incr and Incr is positive,
or if To>From-Incr and Incr is negative,
or if Incr==0 and From/=To."
If you drop this assumptions, their algorithm for lists:seq (meant to be fast?) may not stop
(according to the lists source code).
----- "Piotr Kaleta" <piotrek.kaleta@REDACTED> escribió:
> What was the reason for lists:seq function to be implemented in a way
> that if you call:
> lists:seq(2, 1, 10)
> it works as expected returning an an empty list, while when beeing
> called like:
> lists:seq(20, 1, 10)
> it throws an exception?
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Bartłomiej Puzoń
Erlang Solutions
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