erlang in erlang
Steve Davis
Sat Jun 12 21:57:03 CEST 2010
So, there I was this morning thinking, surely there's an erlang
implementation of the A.K.Erlang calculations. Wandering around a bit
I saw a few online calculators, and some windows programs selling at
~150-200 bucks or more. Crazy.
I thought, "just how hard can it be?". So after a few hours, I had a
(seemingly correct) module in erlang that calculates Erlang units,
Erlang-B, Extended-Erlang-B, Erlang-C and for fun added functions for
"Average Speed of Answer" and "Service Availability". In less than 200
I'm now wondering how these can be used/modified to get objective
assesments of internet (esp Web/HTTP) services...
----- erl_calc.erl -----
%% Base formula API for Erlang analysis
-export([erlangs/2, erlang_b/3, extended_erlang_b/4, erlang_c/3,
%% Useful derivative data
-export([wait_time/3, service_level/4]).
%% References:
%% A measure of intensity
erlangs(Rate, Duration) ->
Rate * Duration.
%% A measure of the probability of blocking
erlang_b(Rate, Duration, Agents) ->
E = erlangs(Rate, Duration),
erlang_b_calc(E, Agents).
%% A measure of the probability of blocking when a percentage of users
extended_erlang_b(Rate, Duration, Agents, RecallFactor) ->
E = erlangs(Rate, Duration),
extended_erlang_b_calc(E, Agents, RecallFactor, E).
%% A measure of the probability of having to wait
erlang_c(Rate, Duration, Agents) ->
E = erlangs(Rate, Duration),
erlang_c_calc(E, Agents).
%% TODO: Implement this sometime
engset(_Rate, _Duration, _Agents, _Sources) ->
wait_time(Rate, Duration, Agents) ->
E = erlangs(Rate, Duration),
EC = erlang_c_calc(E, Agents),
EC * Duration / (Agents * (1 - E / Agents)).
service_level(Rate, Duration, Agents, Target) ->
E = erlangs(Rate, Duration),
W = -(Agents - E) * Target / Duration,
1 - erlang_c_calc(E, Agents) * math:exp(W).
%% private
erlang_b_calc(E, Agents) ->
1.0 / erlang_b_calc(1, Agents, E, 1.0).
erlang_b_calc(Count, Agents, E, Acc) when Count =< Agents ->
Acc0 = 1.0 + Count / E * Acc,
erlang_b_calc(Count + 1, Agents, E, Acc0);
erlang_b_calc(_, _, _, Acc) ->
extended_erlang_b_calc(E, Agents, RecallFactor, Acc) ->
P = erlang_b_calc(Acc, Agents),
R = E * P * RecallFactor,
case E + R of
Acc ->
E0 ->
extended_erlang_b_calc(E, Agents, RecallFactor, E0)
erlang_c_calc(E, Agents) ->
X = math:pow(E, Agents) / factorial(Agents),
Y = Agents / (Agents - E),
Sum = erlang_c_calc(E, Agents - 1, 0),
F / (Sum + X * Y).
erlang_c_calc(E, A, Acc) when A >= 0 ->
X = math:pow(E, A) / factorial(A),
erlang_c_calc(E, A - 1, X + Acc);
erlang_c_calc(_, _, Acc) ->
factorial(0) ->
factorial(N) when N > 0 ->
factorial(N, 1).
factorial(N, Acc) when N > 0 ->
factorial(N - 1, N * Acc);
factorial(_, Acc) ->
Subject change: if you didn't see this how-to site from github, it's
really nicely done.
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