dialyzer problem with exceptions

Anthony Shipman als@REDACTED
Sun Jul 18 17:04:43 CEST 2010

This is release 12B4 with options  -Wno_unused -Wno_return

It appears that the second branch of reportMissing is ignored when determining 
the success typing, perhaps because it always raises an exception.

bssBoss.erl:182: The call
will fail since it differs in argument position 1 from the success typing
arguments: ([],[1..255,...],any(),any())

bssBoss.erl:197: The call
will fail since it differs in argument position 1 from the success typing
arguments: ([],[1..255,...],any(),any())

reportMissing([], _FuncName, _Pos, _State) ->

reportMissing(Keys, FuncName, Pos, State) ->
    Names = util:join(Keys, ", "),
    valueError("missing keys: " ++ Names, FuncName, Pos, State).

valueError(Text, FuncName, Pos, State) ->
    Msg = io_lib:format("~s() ~s", [FuncName, Text]),
    except:raiseBuiltinWithMsg(<<"ValueError">>, Msg, Pos, State).

Anthony Shipman                    Mamas don't let your babies 
als@REDACTED                   grow up to be outsourced.

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