[erlang-questions] Fwd: error in crypo module

Kenji Rikitake kenji.rikitake@REDACTED
Tue Jul 6 06:42:51 CEST 2010

Which version of Erlang are you using?
In R13B04 and before (inclusive), you need to do
before using the crypto module functions.
In R14A, you don't have to.

Here it's like this:
-- begin --
Erlang R14A (erts-5.8) [source] [smp:2:2] [rq:2] [async-threads:0] [hipe] [kernel-poll:false]

Eshell V5.8  (abort with ^G)
1> Key = <<16#01,16#23,16#45,16#67,16#89,16#ab,16#cd,16#ef>>.
2> IVec = <<16#12,16#34,16#56,16#78,16#90,16#ab,16#cd,16#ef>>.
3> P = "Now is the time for all ".
"Now is the time for all "
4> length(P).
5> C = crypto:des_cbc_encrypt(Key, IVec, P).
6> P2 = crypto:des_cbc_decrypt(Key, IVec, C).
<<"Now is the time for all ">>

10> P3 = erlang:binary_to_list(P2).
"Now is the time for all "
11> P3 =:= P.
-- end --

Kenji Rikitake

In the message <AANLkTik19pGb8lhoGFD4fHJsX78bz6OnjFrU5Ko4XQn-@REDACTED>
dated Mon, Jul 05, 2010 at 11:53:01PM -0400,
johnpaul ci <ci.johnpaul87@REDACTED> writes:

> 3>Key = <<16#01,16#23,16#45,16#67,16#89,16#ab,16#cd,16#ef>>.
> <<1,35,69,103,137,171,205,239>>
> 4> IVec = <<16#12,16#34,16#56,16#78,16#90,16#ab,16#cd,16#ef>>.
> <<18,52,86,120,144,171,205,239>>
> 5> P = "Now is the time for all ".
> "Now is the time for all "
> 6> C = crypto:des_cbc_encrypt(Key, IVec, P).
> ** exception error: bad argument
>      in function  port_control/3
>         called as port_control(crypto_drv02,13,
>                                [<<1,35,69,103,137,171,205,239>>,
>                                 <<18,52,86,120,144,171,205,239>>,
>                                 "Now is the time for all "])
>      in call from crypto:control/2

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