[erlang-questions] using a socket to send and receive
Roberto Ostinelli
Thu Aug 19 15:22:55 CEST 2010
2010/8/19 Essien Essien <essiene@REDACTED>:
> My approach is still to use {active, once}, thus recieving _all_
> available data. When I process though, I only take the lenght of data
> that I need and leave the Rest in a loop variable. The next time
> around, I prepend the Rest from the previous run to the new coming
> data, then recurse. So, something like this:
> % I'm assuming that the socket is delivering
> % binary not list data.
> sock_loop(Sock, Len, Rest0) ->
> inet:setopts(Sock, [{active, once}]),
> receive
> {http, Sock, Data0} ->
> % data received from TCP socket, do something with it
> % first prepend pending data in Rest0 before continuing
> Data1 = list_to_binary([Rest0, Data0]),
> <<Data:Len,Rest1/binary>> = Data1,
> % Now you can do what you want with Data
> worker_proc ! <<Data:Len>>,
> sock_loop(Sock, Len, Rest1);
> {send, DataToSend} ->
> % data received from external processes, send
> it to socket
> gen_tpc:send(Sock, DataToSend)
> end.
hi essien,
first of all thank you for your reply.
unfortunately this is not enough: you are assuming that you can match
<<Data:Len,Rest1/binary>> = Data1, which is not true if Len > what you
have received. therefore, you would need additional checks.
that apart, i don't want to go this way because i find it
overcomplicated in respect to using passive mode.
there really are no other alternatives?
thank you,
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