Corba Help
Ali Yakout
Thu Aug 5 14:56:34 CEST 2010
I'm new to Corba and I can't find my way through...
I want to do the same operation done with the following Java code:
org.omg.CORBA.Any any = _orb.create_any();
com.lhs.ccb.soi.types.NvElementI namedValue = new com.lhs.ccb.soi.types.NvElementI("CS_CODE", any, 0, (short)0);
NvElementI[] input = new NvElementI[] {namedValue};
NvElementI[] result = execute("CUSTOMERS.SEARCH", input);
My problem is that I don't know how to create an object of NvElement with the above values.
I have the following types:
254> com_lhs_ccb_soi_types_NvElementI:tc().
255> com_lhs_ccb_soi_types_NvElementListI:tc().
I tried the following but I got 'MARSHAL' exception.
244> AnyStr=any:create(orber_tc:wstring(3),"1.1").
245> NV=any:create(com_lhs_ccb_soi_types_NvElementI:tc(),["CS_CODE",AnyStr,0,0]).
246> com_lhs_ccb_soi_ServiceObjectI:executeI(CMIObj,"CUSTOMERS.SEARCH",[NV]).
** exception throw: {'EXCEPTION',{'MARSHAL',[],1163001856,'COMPLETED_NO'}}
in function corba:raise/1
in call from orber_iiop:request/8
So my question is, how to create Corba types in Erlang?
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