[erlang-questions] Semantics of send

Dmitry Belyaev rumata-estor@REDACTED
Wed Apr 28 14:09:38 CEST 2010

Maybe I was too hurry to answer.

Message sending is asynchronous and safe, the message is guaranteed to 
eventually reach the recipient, provided that the recipient exists.

"eventually" =)

Dmitry Belyaev wrote:
> Maybe I answered not clear enough.
> If you use atom() instead of pid() it is like whereis(Atom) ! Msg.
> So the code will fail if no process is registered with that name.
> Still, no checks that the message is delivered.
> Dmitry Belyaev wrote:
>> The code will be executed without checks are those messages delivered.
>> "Pid ! Msg" doesn't check whether process with that Pid exists.
>> The only check is made if you use no pid() but atom() for registered 
>> process.
>> Johan Montelius wrote:
>>> What is the semantics of send?  In the following example:
>>> to_a_or_to_ab_or_to_none(A, B) ->
>>>     A ! foo,
>>>     B ! bar,
>>>     crash().
>>> If B receives bar is it then so that A receives foo?
>>> And where is the behavior stated?
>>> Is it guaranteed by the Erlang implementation in a distributed setting?
>>> If the sender crashes, is disconnected ...
>>>  Johan
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