[erlang-questions] Parameterized module idioms
Sebastien Merle
Thu Apr 22 11:48:59 CEST 2010
Taking about numbers, I was interested in the difference
between parametrized modules and closures call overhead.
And the result is that parametrized modules seems to be
nearly two times faster than closure:
1> test:test(100000000).
Here's the code:
-record(?MODULE, {count = 0}).
test(Count) ->
C = time(fun test_closure/1, Count),
M = time(fun test_module/1, Count),
[{closure, C}, {module, M}].
time(F, A) ->
T1 = erlang:now(),
T2 = erlang:now(),
timer:now_diff(T2, T1).
test_closure(Count) ->
C1 = new_closure(42),
C2 = new_closure(18),
C1(call, {C2, Count}).
test_module(Count) ->
M1 = new_module(42),
M2 = new_module(18),
M1:call(M2, Count).
new_closure(Start) -> make_closure(#?MODULE{count = Start}).
new_module(Start) -> #?MODULE{count = Start}.
call_closure(_Other, 0, State) -> State#?MODULE.count;
call_closure(Other, Count, State) ->
NewState = State#?MODULE{count = State#?MODULE.count + 1},
Other(call, {make_closure(NewState), Count - 1}).
call_module(_Other, 0, State) -> State#?MODULE.count;
call_module(Other, Count, State) ->
NewState = State#?MODULE{count = State#?MODULE.count + 1},
Other:call(NewState, Count - 1).
call(Other, Count, State) -> call_module(Other, Count, State).
make_closure(State) ->
fun(call, {Other, Count}) -> call_closure(Other, Count, State) end.
And yes I know it's not a real parametrized module,
but the function calls are equivalent, isn't it ?
Sebastien Merle.
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