[erlang-questions] Re: Concept of Side-effect

jm jeffm@REDACTED
Fri Sep 18 05:00:29 CEST 2009

Kaiduan Xie wrote:
> Thanks Benjamin, but sometimes printing out to the console is really
> what you want. Maybe this is not a good example :)

Even when you do want the program to print to the screen it is a 

Lets try breaking it down:

>>> add(X,Y) ->
>>>     X+Y.

call add/2 with X and Y
   calculate X+Y
   return result
result now available in calling function

>>> add_effects(X,Y) ->
>>>     io:format("~p~n",[X+Y]).

call add/2 with X and Y
   calculate X+Y
   pass message to io to print to screen (** side effect **)
   return result
result now available in calling function

>>> What side-effect add_effects generates? Why we say io:format()
>>> generates side-effect?
note how in the second example the calling function doesn't know 
anything about the effects of the io:format/2 function call. It is an 
effect outside the, or aside from, main excution path and hence a 


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