[erlang-questions] Start A process of another node
Jayson Vantuyl
Tue Oct 27 09:46:20 CET 2009
I think the problem is the io:fwrite call.
I believe that IO goes through a process's "group leader", which is a
sort of master process that handles things for groups of processes.
Since the group leader is no longer around (after sub exits), I bet
that the process exits with an error. Since errors are logged through
the group leader, you probably don't see an error either.
To fix this, after the process registers, change the group leader for
your new process to the init process on the new node.
To do so, change your start function like this:
> start()->
> register(sample,self()),
> group_leader( whereis(init), self() ),
> recv().
Sent from my iPhone
On Oct 27, 2009, at 2:58 AM, maruthavanan s
<maruthavanan_s@REDACTED> wrote:
> Thanks for your support, I would like to elaborate what I am doing
> I am using "Erlang (BEAM) emulator version 5.6.1 " with fedora core
> linux 9
> I start one node of erlang as
> erl -sname main
> (main@REDACTED)1>
> now I start
> erl -sname sub
> (sub@REDACTED)1>
> now I spawn from sub
> spawn('mainnode@REDACTED',sample,start,[]).
> when I do erlang:registered() at main@REDACTED
> I can see the sample module registered at main node
> when I try quit sub@REDACTED
> I can still see sample module registered at main node, but when I
> try to send message
> using
> erlang:send({'main@REDACTED',sample},{"Message for Test"})
> now the the registered module of sample vanishes at main node.
> Please help me.
> Below is the sample erlang code
> -module(sample).
> -compile(export_all).
> start()->
> register(sample,self()),
> recv().
> recv()->
> receive
> Msg->
> io:fwrite("Message Received ~p",[Msg])
> end,
> recv().
> Thanks and regards,
> Marutha
>> CC: erlang-questions@REDACTED
>> From: kagato@REDACTED
>> To: maruthavanan_s@REDACTED
>> Subject: Re: [erlang-questions] Start A process of another node
>> Date: Tue, 27 Oct 2009 00:47:06 -0500
>> I'm unsure what to say here. Erlang doesn't do this to me.
>> I started two nodes, one called main and one called sub. I loaded
>> the
>> process manager on the main node.
>> I created a process on main using the following code:
>>> spawn(main@REDACTED,fun() -> receive {never,Never} -> ok after 30000 -
>>>> ok end end).
>> It stayed around even after exiting the original node.
>> That says to me that something that you process does depends on the
>> original node. A few questions about your code:
>> 1. Does it spawn_link(), spawn_opt() with the link option, or link()
>> another process?
>> 2. Does it do I/O?
>> 3. Does it generate log messages?
>> The second two (I/O / log messages) use the "group leader", I
>> believe. In this case, the group leader would be on the original
>> node, which might cause them to exit. Generally, I believe the group
>> leader of a process should be init. To set the group leader to init
>> on the new node, try:
>>> group_leader( whereis(init), self() )
>> Note that this will affect logging, supervision trees, and IO. If
>> you
>> want to just start/stop a remotely supervised process, I recommend
>> naming its supervisor globally, and adding/removing the childspec
>> from
>> the supervisor.
>> On Oct 26, 2009, at 11:19 PM, maruthavanan s wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I need to start and stop a process on another node
>>> Say for e.g I have a main node in erlang.
>>> I have another sub node in erlang. I need to start some process in
>>> main node from sub node shell.
>>> I achieved this by using the below
>>> spawn('mainnode@REDACTED',sample,start,[]).
>>> but when I close the sub node the process is stopped. Is there any
>>> possibility that I can make the process live through out regardless
>>> of whether I close the sub node or not, the sample:start() would be
>>> running in main node?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Marutha
>> --
>> Jayson Vantuyl
>> kagato@REDACTED
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