[erlang-questions] How do I elegantly check many conditions?

Adam Lindberg adam@REDACTED
Mon Mar 23 19:58:31 CET 2009

----- "Hynek Vychodil" <vychodil.hynek@REDACTED> wrote:
> If I have function like
> is_new_email(Email) ->
>  case mnesia:dirty_read(email, Email) of
>    []    -> ok;
>    _Else -> email_in_use
>  end.
> I can choose if use it as
> case is_new_email(Email) of
>   ok -> do_something();
>   email_in_use -> do_something_other()
> end

This could be rewritten with a try and a throw (as I previously showed), so the developer is still able to choose. It is about the same amount of code as a case statement. The try statement also have the benefit of being able to fit more lines of code in a single statement than catch can.

> or as
> ok = is_new_email(Email);

This will still throw a badmatch when the email address is in use. I don't see how that is so much better than a throw. Both will go uncatched if you don't do anything.

> When You trow exception, I can't choose.
> Don't make assumptions about what the caller will do with the results
> of a
> function (http://www.erlang.se/doc/programming_rules.shtml#HDR3)

Like I said, there is no big difference. I just like throw since it allows for bigger flexibility when combining several statements.

In the end, I guess it is a matter of taste and style.


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